Thursday, December 22, 2011

. Should roboticists (those who make robots) avoid making robots that think and feel like humans? Why or why not?

i think they should . i think it would be pretty cool . it would be like a new future type thing. like for example ipod i phones and then robots .

2. Should some robots be given human rights? For example, the right not to be tortured, to be allowed to marry, to be educated, and to be free to practice a religion?

i think they should be have human rights becaus ethats just not right to create something that is human like and then just be used .. or tortured ... well i guess you could have a few that you could use sometimes as long as you know that they dont have any feeling and they listen to everything you say . then yea of corse everyone is gunna want a robot. some could have feeling and some others cant . that would be a good idea .

umm i think the boy was dummm wierd . he kinda freked me out . if it was me i would of ben returned him from where ever he came from cuz i wudda ben scared out my mind if i was alone with him in a house with him actin th way he does .

Friday, December 16, 2011

one time plagiarized was in a science project. i didnt really know what i was doing so i decided that copying and paste would help me finish my project faster and get it over with . i dont really like science i feel like the project i was working on was way to hard for me . i was actually kind of careless about . something i could of done diffrently was so actually read about the subject i was working on so that i cud really have a clue on what i was working on . i could of read important facts and put them in my own words.

2. "you are my only love and
forever will be
you are the only person
i want to be with no matter what anyone
say's i still think of you"
(PoncedeLeon, 2011)

PoncedeLeon, S. (2011, November 18). [Web log message]. Retrieved from

I heard that your dreams came true. Guess she gave you things, I didn’t give to you.

to get brighter and brighter. That’s what this world is about. You look at someone like Gandhi, and he glowed. Martin Luther King glowed. Muhammad Ali glows. I think that’s from being bright all the time, and trying to be brighter.
i think this two were plagiarized . the first one is copyed froma song from the singer adele . the second one clearly looks like its ben copyed of of google .

Thursday, December 8, 2011

i think that people shouldnt e judged on thier size or how they look . everyone has thier own talents and just because no one looks like thye have talent doesnt mean they dont have any . everyone has a gift and is special in thier own way and yu should kno that your slef . you shouldnt have other people tell yu that so that you should kknow. no one should be treated diffrent by there skin color or thier race. no matter where they came from evryone should be treated with respect. no one should be beating . no child should be bullyed . no man should put thier hands on a women . i watched this video and i cudnt help but stare with my eyes wide open n my mouth open . i cant belie that someone would put there hands on thier child like that and leave them bruised .

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1. Where does the N-Word Come from? Why does it offend some people so much?

it ushally comes from slavery and from slavery it started being used in a lot of R&B rap songs..

from the rap songs other people started using it . till this day people still doo. some people ushally get offended. only other ad

2. Should non-black people be able to use the N-Word?

i think they shouldnt because they would take it very offensive because when they would say it they know they man it intentually and in a bad way . not only do black people use the n word .

3. Should musicians stop using the N-Word?

like i said black people arent the only ones that use the word . spanish people and many others use it . i think it dapends of the friends you have because thier the ones that always make yu say the word.

4. Do other ethnic groups (for example, Chinese, Jews, and Dominicans) use ethnic slurs like the N-Word to describe themselves? If not, Why?

yes they do use the n word to descibe them selves and others . the n word has many words n everyone uses it in a diffrent and thier own way . like when they call some one , or when they dicribe and talk about someone.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

i think the body scannner wasnt that bad .. if they would ask me to go threw the the body scanner iw ould just go throw with out anny scannner . i might evan go in smiling. when i looked at how the body scanner it wasnt evan that bad it was just blue and it showed like the body figure . some people really dont wanna go threww the body scanner so they have to go threw the body check out thing when thier same gender would feel up on thier body . there is no way i would ever let another girl do that -_______- but at the same time i feel like they are going to far like we already ben threw like there scanner and stuff wats the point of that .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1. What are some things you learned about the materials (e.g., glass, concrete, steel) used for re-building ground zero. i leanerd that thos matirials are veryyyy veryyy stonggg and theyyy costt a lot ... i saw how they made the steel and and glass and other stuff ... i learned that the steel that they make is made out of recycle cans and tosters and other things like that. but for this tower there gunaa make sure to make it more sacure and safe in case anything happins similar to the twin towers. they made it fire proof and they made the glass more thicker .

2. What were some of the challenges that the builders faced when creating the new WTC building and memorial fountains? some of the challenges was that they needed to finish it in a certain time . which was before the annaversey of 9/11 . another one was that some people would get hurt.

3. What does the design of the WTC symbolize? What does the design of the memorial fountains symbolize? it symbolizes all the deaths of the twin towers . thats why they put the names there . they want every one to know and remember all the live that were lost that day . they want the people to know all the people that where lost . thats why they did all the names .

4. How will this video affect your memorial design?

i want to make memorial design that everyone would know about . and thats stands out from miles and miles away. i also wan it to be colorful so that it stands out . i also want it be some thing tha would be remembered . i feel bad for all the family members lost . not only people that where inside the building dies buh people that were standing by the building too . so i want to make it special .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First off, I want to tell you what a OK summer I had. Not only did I loose weight , but I also ate a lot. One thing that I didn’t do (but wish I had) was go out more then stay home and also learn how to drive. It feels so werid to be at school becausei feel like iv ben gone for years.

Anyhow, I just watched a Men in Black video clip and it was really dumb . I couldn’t believe that Will Smith has 2 kids . Looking at Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list it’s pretty clear this video was talking about i really dont know . This is because i dont get what was the point of the video.

On #4 of Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list he talks about finding what you love. Besides texting, Facebooking, and drooling over my favorite star *, I’m into some serious stuff. Stuff that not everyone’s into– like going out at 5 oclock in the morning and sit in the east river park :). It’s true! I could spend hours there justt looking at the water and the building and time just vanishes. If you gave me access to a computer with a camera, Garageband, Scratch, Photoshop or 3D design software I would make a video that showed off my talent at drawing. But you know, I’m not perfect at my talent yet. By the end of the year I hope I can draw more . Well, that’s all I have time to write for now– bye!

Friday, June 3, 2011

1.Tell a story about a time you (or someone you know) was accused of something you didn’t do.
ushally i get acused of things that i didnt do when im at home . my mom is always acusing me of things i didn't do .. like i remember when my mom was missing like 300 dallers and she had the balls to blame it on me. this happened like 2 times. i remember finding the money in the bathroom cabnet .but instead of thanking me she acused me even more -___-

2. What is it about you that made someone assume that you were guilty? Your age? Gender? Skin color? Things you’ve done in the past? because she knows that i really like money .. buh she knows that i would never steal 300 dollers . shes just never trusted me

3. Have you ever assumed someone was guilty and later found out they were innocent? Tell the story. one day when i was missing my ipod i was acusing my uncle for taking it because i know hes really sneaky plus he doesnt really have anything so i thought it was him but later on i found out that it was my cousin that borrrowed it .

noo im good .. yuvv seen me withh all my '' gear '' on soo i think it should stay like that .. the only person who will see me but naked is me and thats it .. iv only went on one date with you and now yu already askin me to send ju naked pics ? reallyy likee noo !

Thursday, May 26, 2011

why would you do that to me like why did you get with me in the first place if you don't evan trust me .. all you have ben dewing is asking me questions asking me were i am what i'm doing were in going . call ing me every minute. like i know your my boyfriend buh at the same time you ain't my father. and who are you to go in my account like that. buh i don't care if you went in because i never had nothing to hide in the first place. so what ever.. you can go in all you want you still not gunna find nothing . bye d**k head. oh and is overr !
i think the right answer is that she should tell him that is he really likes her that he should trust her. if you guys are boyfriend n girls friend then you should able too trust each other . if you don't then things get complicated and you end up breaking up.i also think that is was wrong for the boyfriend to break into girl girlfriends account. if my booyfriend was to ever break into my account i would break up with him. plus that boy is a stalker.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

1) Describe with as much detail as possible, what the detention centers are like (i.e., the bathrooms, medical facilities, cells, solitary confinement, etc.)... the move was about how there are victoms that are held inn the detention centerr for being ann imagrant. the detentions are horrible.. you cant get any visets . there food is horrible .. when ever they get food its never enough and it not healthy. because of this they start to loose weight.when ever they get sick they get no care. they only time they would get treatment is if they have HIV. but when ever they get treatment they have to wait on a line for about 4 hours. when they do this they miss their meal. the bathrooms are also discusting and repulsive.

2) How did playing this game make you feel?

this game made me feel bad because now i know what would happen if any of my friends or family was to go to a detention center. i also feel really bad because i used to think that jail was bad but now i know that it isn't as bad ass the detention centers.

3) What do you think the Unites States should do differently with their immigrants?

i think that they should at least keep people have already settled and has made a diffrence. for example - a person who has ben here for about 5 years with 3 kids and is a full time doctor should get a chance and stay in the united states.

Friday, January 28, 2011