Friday, June 3, 2011

1.Tell a story about a time you (or someone you know) was accused of something you didn’t do.
ushally i get acused of things that i didnt do when im at home . my mom is always acusing me of things i didn't do .. like i remember when my mom was missing like 300 dallers and she had the balls to blame it on me. this happened like 2 times. i remember finding the money in the bathroom cabnet .but instead of thanking me she acused me even more -___-

2. What is it about you that made someone assume that you were guilty? Your age? Gender? Skin color? Things you’ve done in the past? because she knows that i really like money .. buh she knows that i would never steal 300 dollers . shes just never trusted me

3. Have you ever assumed someone was guilty and later found out they were innocent? Tell the story. one day when i was missing my ipod i was acusing my uncle for taking it because i know hes really sneaky plus he doesnt really have anything so i thought it was him but later on i found out that it was my cousin that borrrowed it .

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