Friday, March 16, 2012

44. What’s something you just can’t figure out? Explain
something i cant figure out is why are girls so stupid. why do they put them self in positions that they know they can be judged on . why do girls do things so that other boys can take advantage of them n treat them like dirt. why do girls judge other girls for . iv always hatted those types of girls that don't like you just because your prettier than them .. evan tho they don't say hat you are prettier than them or they hate on you just because there have more fashion sense than you . girls do alot of stupid stuff many times but the funny thing is that they dnt learn from there mistakes . thats why now a days i just cant respect any of them or can be friends with them. thats why i have a minimun of "girl" friends . i like to hang out with boys more because atleast there never judging the girl but they are looking at her ass when she walks by and when they do ill always say WERD SHE GOTTA CAKE :D

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